
Keeping Feng Shui principles in mind, here are a few things to avoid when it comes to your bedroom. Remember to keep a good flow of energy in your room and these are examples of hinderances.

Multipurpose Room


Bedroom/Office/Exercise Room
The bedroom should be a place of rest, contemplation and intimacy — not work, exercise or blaring music. Exercise gear, a phone, a television or computer or a desk piled high with bills and paperwork give off and take up a lot of energy, feng shui practitioners say. They also distract you from rest and romance. The bedroom is a place where you need to turn off the stresses of the day.

If your bedroom must do double-duty as a work/exercise space, use a lightweight folding screen or fabric hung from a ceiling-mounted curtain rod to conceal them. And while a few books on your nightstand is fine, if you have bookshelves groaning under the weight of dozens of tomes, move them elsewhere; all those titles calling out to be read distract your mind from rest. Turn off the ringer on the phone, too. And if you're not willing to part with the TV, keep it in an armoire or cabinet so that you can literally "shut the door" on it while you sleep.


Around the bed:From a feng shui perspective, clutter symbolizes unfinished business and impedes forward progress in life. So keep furnishings on the spare side and clutter as contained as possible to enable chi to flow freely around the room. Tip: Plants placed in corners are said to prevent energy from stagnating there. And don't use the space under your bed to store boxes of out-of-season clothes — doing so will block energy and lead to stagnation in life, feng shui experts warn.

Unmade Bed: To really get your day off to a good start, always remember to make your bed! Leaving behind a trail of clothing that didn't make it to the laundry basket and an unfinished bed, all has the possibility to get you off to an incomplete and messy start in the morning.

Dirty Laundry: Check the South Western sector of your bedroom as this relates to relationships. Avoid putting your dirty linen basket in this section! Current, happy photographs of your and your partner and any kind of symbolism of relationship in this sector is ideal.

Messy Closet: "Less is more" also applies to the closet. According to experts, clutter behind closed doors can be just as depleting as clutter that's in the open. If you feel irritated, confused and overwhelmed when you open the closet door, organizing your closet will help give you a sense of control over your life. Ruthlessly weed out clothes that are unflattering, out-of-style or no longer worn, then sort by color and season. Install organizers to hold shoes, belts, scarves and other accessories, and move everything else choking your closet to another spot.

Open Doors

Keep all sorts of doors closed during night. It might be your bedroom door, the door of your closet, your bathroom door etc. This will ensure the optimum flow of nourishing and healing energy and will improve your health and strengthen your relationship.

Stale Air

Try to open the windows in your room, so that the fresh air fills it with oxygen. You can use a good air purifier for the same. Stale, polluted air and plants is considered bad Feng Shui for bedrooms.

Emotional Baggage/Negativity

Also consider what memories and associations the objects in your bedroom hold for you, and then get rid of anything (even the mattress) that you associate with a negative time in your life, a past health problem, or a former relationship.